Going Minoan
My second Bronze Age dress I wanted to go back in time a little bit, and did some more research into Minoan imagery. I compiled a lot of fresco images and made simple line drawings from them to make it easier to compare and catch common elements.
From this point I decided on a patterned yellow dress when I found linen at Joann Fabrics that had a kind of scalloped seashell print that resembled some of the fresco patterns. Long trim down the front, and a simpler shorter kilt pattern.
Images in the right hand collage:
1. Photo © Luisa Ricciarini / Bridgeman Images
Note the wider trim on the skirt in the same colors as the trim along the top/shoulders. This one also seems to be a closed or higher neckline. Note as well the layers of trim along the bottom of the dress.
2 & 3: Photo © Luisa Ricciarini / Bridgeman Images
These two images show the fringe / braid / ribbon type design at the end of the elbows. From a weaver’s perspective, these look like the ends of the warp threads on the shoulder bands or top of the fabric that are part of working on a warp weighted loom.
4. This reconstruction is from Dr. Bernice Jone's book "Ariadne's Threads". It was the first thing that popped into mind when I saw the yellow seashell fabric at Joanns.
5. This is the actual remnant fresco that the reconstruction in #4 is based on. It's very informative, but also missing a lot of details. I chose to use a combination of elements found in many frescos to create the finished look